
  • Applications
  • Video Games
  • Miscellaneous


F-Capture - A forensic data collection tool that I am helping develop with a small team, written in PowerShell. I designed and developed the majority of the UI for this project.

Float_DFA_Model - A model of the floating point number representation using a Deterministic Finite Automaton.

Pomodoro Clock - A simple pomodoro clock/timer made using React.

Tree Map - An example tree map data visualization made using d3.js.

Heat Map - An example heat map data visualization made using d3.js.

Scatter Plot - An example scatter plot data visualization made using d3.js.

Video Games

Tak (Mobile) - A mobile rendition of the abstract board game of the same name.

Haskell Game - A small adventure game, with basic graphics, written in Haskell.

Rust Text Game - A small Linux CLI text adventure game written in Rust.


MintyPi PCB - A redesign of a PCB meant to allow a raspberry pi based handheld retro game emulation system to fit into an altoids tin.